Aims & Scope
The Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics is a multidisciplinary, single blind peer-reviewed, full access journal that will be published biannually by the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest.
The Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics is a multidisciplinary, single blind peer-reviewed, full access journal published four times per year by the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest.
The journal welcomes the submission of original research papers and reviews that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics is aiming to present the latest developments on subjects covering mainly the following domains: Industry 4.0 Processes and Tools, AI Robotics, Smart Factory, Mechatronics and Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Digital Manufacturing, CAD/CAE/CAPP/CAM/CAx Techniques, Flexible and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Intelligent Technological Equipment, Smart Measuring and Control, Management, Marketing and Production Scheduling, New Product Development, Quality Engineering and Reliability, Reverse Engineering, Industrial Logistic Networks, Virtual & Augmented Engineering.
We invite you to submit your manuscript for publication in the 'Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics'. This esteemed journal publishes scientific articles in both print and online formats (ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112). Since 2017, it has continued the legacy of the former 'Revista de Inginerie Industrială' Journal (ISSN 2601-7938, ISSN-L 2601-5471). The 'Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics' is indexed in international databases., ensuring wide visibility and recognition for your work.
Submitting the paper
Full Papers will be submitted to the journal e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The files will be named according the first author’s name, followed by «.doc(x)» extension. For example: Smith_Adam.docx . If an author wants to upload more than one paper, the files will be numbered: Smith_Adam_1.docx, Smith_Adam_2.docx.
For all four annual issues, the full papers will be submitted until May 15 each year.
After the submitting deadline, the articles are verified according to the Authors Guidelines requirements. The authors are automatically informed through a no-reply e‐mail about the results of the assessment, usually within 15 days from the submission deadline. Eligible articles are submitted to single blind peer review, that last approximately 30 days, authors also being informed about the results at this stage.