Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Cercetări privind dezvoltarea și fabricarea unui exoschelet ușor pentru corectarea posturii

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 4
Written by GRECU Cristian, MOISESCU Flavius, RADU Oana, TUDOROIU Claudia, VIȘOIU Gabriela
Scientific coordinators: Cristian DOICIN, Mihaela ULMEANU

The exoskeleton is a mobile system driven by electric / pneumatic motors, hydraulic levers and motors, or combinations of these, which support the effort to perform physical activities, increasing physical capacity and resistance over time. This paper presents the stages of developing an innovative product for correcting human body posture. For this, a market research has been carried out on the need to produce this product and an analysis of the products already on the market. Various concepts for a posture correction product have also been developed using the brainstorming method by analyzing the needs from medical and technological point of view. Finally, after sorting through the concepts from the brainstorming session, the product was designed with computer aided design tools. The chosen product uses shoulder and lumbar elastic strips, two small servo-motors and a rigid part containing proximity sensors for posture monitoring and the activation of the servo-motors.

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GRECU C., MOISESCU F., RADU O., TUDOROIU C., VISOIU G. 2019, Cercetări privind dezvoltarea și fabricarea unui exoschelet ușor pentru corectarea posturii. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 4, ISSN 2601-5471, 96-102.

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