Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Modeling and simulation of a process of nanoholes electrical discharge machining

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 4, Number 4
Written by BĂZĂR Diana, DUMITRU Steluța, DOGARU Adrian
Scientific coordinators: Daniel GHICULESCU

The paper deals with the modeling and simulation of machining nanoholes by electrical dscharge machining (nEDM).The state of the art is approached concerning different types of nanotechnologiers applied for achieving nanoholes very much required nowadays in different fields like medicine, IT, electronics etc. The nEDM offers a lower cost technology to obtain nanoholes within the most used materials, in the mentioned domains, like Au, Ti and Ni.The finite element analysis with Comsol Multiphysics was appplied to nEDM of nanoholes, based on two models: constant radius and time dependent radius of discharge plasma channel. The variations of hole radius and depth depending on discharge time were presented, emphasizing influence of material, and initial roughess. The data from computers models were validated by experiments from the state of the art.

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BAZAR D., DUMITRU S., DOGARU A. 2020, Modeling and simulation of a process of nanoholes electrical discharge machining. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 4, Number 4, ISSN 2601-5471, 60-65.

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