Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 4
Written by BORCAN Maria-Alexandra, NEACȘU Angela-Miruna, VLAD Mihaela-Marilena
Scientific coordinators: Nicolae IONESCU
An invention is a technical achievement in a particular area of the knowledge that generates novelty and progress compared to the current stage. It may refer to the development of a product (device, material, substance) or a process in all technological fields. In order to analyze the protection of Romanian inventions at the European level data was taken from the OSIM and EPO website about patent applications, those that was accepted and patents granted, both at national and European level. In order to carry out the widest possible analysis, it has been used "Power BI" software. This program helped to extract various statistics after processing the identified data. Tables that helped to create charts were made in Excel and imported into Power BI.
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