Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 4
Written by TOMIȚA Adrian-Valentin
Scientific coordinators: Ovidiu ALUPEI COJOCARIU
This scientific paper aims to showcase a prototype of a bar cutting machine, meant to be operated by using IOT technologies, and creating a computer application in LabView that simulates the process of data acquisition using a QR scanning sensor. Each bar contains a QR code which corresponds to a set of dimensions inside of a database. The data interpreted from the QR code scans reveal an id, which is then searched inside of a database table in order to extract the lengths of the cuts to be executed upon the bars by the cutting machine, without direct interaction from an operator. The final goal is to project a cutting machine able to perform real time data acquisition and processing by using two distance measuring sensors and a QR scanning sensor, in order to operate autonomously by retrieving data from a database
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