Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Testarea și implementarea unei strategii de digitalizare și automatizare în cadrul “SC AUTOMOBILE DACIA SA”

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 4
Written by GEAMBAȘU Mihaela-Roxana
Scientific coordinators: Mihaela-Elena ULMEANU

At the moment, there is a strong emphasis on automation and digitization, named Industry 4.0, due to the fact that market demands have increased greatly in recent years and customer claims have reached the maximum limit in some cases. In attempting to meet all customer demands and needs, automation and digitization have come to the fore in order to obtain more efficient and faster solutions in a shorter time and in advantageous terms for the company. The most desirable thing for the moment in all companies is performance, because in this way the economy is developing and prospering in the future. An example of a company that has started the automation and digitization process is "SC Automobile Dacia SA", which started by implementing and testing programs that streamline and increase the company's performance. These programs are designed to make life easier for employees, but also to eliminate possible errors caused by human negligence.

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GEAMBASU M.R. 2019, Testarea și implementarea unei strategii de digitalizare și automatizare în cadrul “SC AUTOMOBILE DACIA SA”. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 4, ISSN 2601-5471, 109-114.

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