Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Offline programming and simulation of robotic flexible manufacturing cell for machining of engine blocks using the process simulate software package

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 4, Number 3
Written by AELENEI Paul-Theodor
Scientific coordinators: Adrian NICOLESCU

The paper presents the initial stages for the dissertation thesis: the overall presentation of a flexible manufacturing cell for machining of engine blocks using two gantry articulated arm industrial robots, the computer-aided design of its main components, a flowchart describing the sequence of steps needed for the application process and the arrangement of sensors used in the robotic cell. Based on the initial information, a digital manufacturing software solution will be used in order to create an event-based simulation for the final project

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AELENEI P.T. 2020, Offline programming and simulation of robotic flexible manufacturing cell for machining of engine blocks using the process simulate software package. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 4, Number 3, ISSN 2601-5471, 1-8.

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