Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2
Written by MĂRĂȘESCU Cristian
Scientific coordinators: Ionelia Voiculescu
The paper presents the problems that occur when welding X5CrNi18-10 austenitic steel (304) using different welding processes. The welding processes used to perform the weldability tests were GTAW (WIG) and SMAW (SMEI). The choice of these welding processes was made considering the reduced thickness of the plates used in the study, of 5 mm. Welding problems were identified in all three welded samples. The main problems that occur when welding these types of steels are: intercrystalline corrosion; excessive deformation; hot cracking. After welding, the samples were subjected to non-destructive tests: visual examination, penetrating liquids (LP) and penetrating radiation (X-rays). Imperfections were identified due to the inadequate preparation of the joint, due to the melting method and lack of experience of the welder. Some of the imperfections could have been eliminated if technological shets were used at the ends of the welded plates, to start and stop the electric arc outside of the weld.
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