Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Product design and development of a functional prototype for a wrist orthosis

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 4
Written by IONESCU Raluca
Scientific coordinators: Mihaela ULMEANU

The aim of this research is to create a functional prototype for the wrist orthosis previously studied in the papers “Cercetări privind dezvoltarea și fabricarea unei orteze personalizate pentru încheietura mâinii” and “Research regarding the anatomical modelling of a wrist orthosis for 3D printing application”. The progress made consists in designing, manufacturing, and testing three different methods of closing the orthosis. The conclusion of this paper is that one out of the three concepts is not acceptable while the other two are functional but can be improved by changing some dimensions. However, future research is needed to obtain a final product. Among the most important future directions of research there can be listed: choosing an adequate lining, determine the suitable pattern, testing the possibility to generate a parametric model, creating a generative model, and studying the possibility to include different sensors on the orthosis

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IONESCU R. 2021, Product design and development of a functional prototype for a wrist orthosis. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 4, ISSN 2601-5471, 105-110.

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