Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112


Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 7, Number 17
Written by BRATU Marian, MANTA Nicoleta-Lăcrămioara, TECUCEANU Roxana-Alexandra, Ovidiu-Dorin ALUPEI-COJOCARIU
Scientific coordinators:

The idea of this paper was inspired by the Precious Plastic project developed within UPB. following documentation from several sources, I noticed what is the current state of recycling, both nationally and internationally, and the need to involve everyone in the recycling process. thus, we decided to focus on the development of a plastic shredder that can be integrated into a semi- industrial technological line with the aim of achieving several objectives, such as: eliminating the costs of transporting plastic waste, protecting the environment, broadening the area of knowledge for the people who will be involved in the recycling process, the development of new products needed by the faculty. the chopper assembly is composed of several sub-assemblies, and the ones made at the moment are: the chopping mechanism sub-assembly, the bearing-support sub-assembly, the welded frame sub-assembly, the gearing mechanism sub-assembly. the physical realization of the shredder is supported by the company Technobit Automatizări.

[Read full article] [Citation]

2023, SHREDDER FOR PLASTIC WASTE RECYCLING PROCESS. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 7, Number 17, ISSN 2601-5471, 108-115.

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