Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Îmbunătățirea procesului de management al riscului la organizația de standardizare și metrologie din Iordania

Published in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 3
Written by RAWASHDEH Abdel Qader, SALEM Marua-Nicoleta
Scientific coordinators: Ovidiu Viorel RINDASU

This paper aims at improving the risk management process in Jordan's Standards and Metrology organization, due to the impact of the process on achieving organizational goals. After measuring the performance indicator for implementing the Risk Management Plan in 2018, there was a significant deviation from the target value of 30%.. The "Cause-Effect" diagram tool has been used to find out the causes that affect the effective implementation of the risk management plan. Depending on the causes of the problem, solutions and activities have been proposed in an Improvement Plan based on the Standard (SR ISO 31000: Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines, which should lead to effective risk management in 2019).

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RAWASHDEH A.Q., SALEM M.N. 2019, Îmbunătățirea procesului de management al riscului la organizația de standardizare și metrologie din Iordania. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 3, Number 3, ISSN 2601-5471, 44-51.

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