Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
ISSN 3061-4112, ISSN-L 3061-4112

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics - Volume 5, Number 2, 2021

[Full Volume]


Modelling and simulation of electron and ion beam machining

Written by BÎȚOI Ion-Vlăduț-Valentin, COCOȘATU Bogdan, IUGA Ana-Cristina
Scientific coordinators: Daniel GHICULESCU
Pages 1 to 6

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

BITOI I.V.V., COCOSATU B., IUGA A.C. 2021, Modelling and simulation of electron and ion beam machining. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 1-6.

Development of machining operations variants integrable in industrial technological systems

Written by POPESCU Ioana-Dana, DINCĂ Florentin-Laurenţiu, IONIŢĂ Anastasia-Ştefania, NECŞOIU Mihaela-Mădălina
Scientific coordinators: Marian GHEORGHE, Gannam NASIM, Nicolae Onorel POLOVȚEV
Pages 7 to 12

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

POPESCU I.D., DINCA F.L., IONITA A.S., NECSOIU M.M. 2021, Development of machining operations variants integrable in industrial technological systems. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 7-12.

Bibliographic study on bio-nanocomposite materials used in food packaging

Written by ENE Elena
Scientific coordinators: Alexandra BANU, Gabriela Marina PÂRVU
Pages 13 to 18

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

ENE E. 2021, Bibliographic study on bio-nanocomposite materials used in food packaging. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 13-18.

Development on variants of technological part-holding devices in industrial conditions

Written by CIOBOATĂ Ioana-Olivia, GHIȚĂ Nicoleta-Sorina, FĂTU Andrei-Marian
Scientific coordinators: Marian GHEORGHE, Nicolae Onorel POLOVȚEV, Sergiu NANU, Daniel-Silviu MANOLACHE
Pages 19 to 24

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

CIOBOATA I.O., GHITA N.S., FATU A.M. 2021, Development on variants of technological part-holding devices in industrial conditions. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 19-24.

Developments regarding modules of a dividing head with digital display

Written by GHIȚĂ Nicoleta-Sorina, CIOBOATĂ Ioana-Olivia, , FĂTU Andrei-Marian
Scientific coordinators: Gheorghe POPAN, Corneliu PÂRVU,
Pages 25 to 30

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

GHITA N.S., CIOBOATA I.O., , FATU A.M. 2021, Developments regarding modules of a dividing head with digital display. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 25-30.

Research concerning inconel alloy by conventional and nonconventional machining

Written by TECUCEANU Roxana-Alexandra
Scientific coordinators: Daniel GHICULESCU
Pages 31 to 36

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

TECUCEANU R.A. 2021, Research concerning inconel alloy by conventional and nonconventional machining. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 31-36.

Industrial development on modules of an injection mold

Written by BARBU Radu-Cristian, BUCĂ Julia-Elena, DINU Alexandra-Maria
Scientific coordinators: Gannam NASIM, Nicolae Onorel POLOVȚEV, Marian GHEORGHE
Pages 37 to 42

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

BARBU R.C., BUCA J.E., DINU A.M. 2021, Industrial development on modules of an injection mold. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 37-42.

Research about making a portable equipment for electrical discharge machining with contact breaking

Written by HĂTIȘ-CONDOIU George-Bogdan, TOPORAN Silviu-Daniel
Scientific coordinators: Daniel GHICULESCU, Gabriela Marina PÂRVU
Pages 43 to 48

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

HATIS-CONDOIU G.B., TOPORAN S.D. 2021, Research about making a portable equipment for electrical discharge machining with contact breaking. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 43-48.

Gestionarea securității cibernetice privind algoritmii de învățare automată

Written by DIONISIE Ștefania
Scientific coordinators: Adrian Popescu
Pages 49 to 56

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

DIONISIE S. 2021, Gestionarea securității cibernetice privind algoritmii de învățare automată. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 49-56.

Optimizing a logistic flow using dedicated software applications

Written by MITROI Viorel-Ionuț-Marius
Scientific coordinators: Adrian Popescu
Pages 57 to 64

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

MITROI V.I.M. 2021, Optimizing a logistic flow using dedicated software applications. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 57-64.

Cresterea productivitații fluxului de prelucrare si pregatire a reperelor din industria petrolieră după etapa de automatizare

Written by MORARU Cosmin Marian
Scientific coordinators: Nicoleta CĂRUŢAŞU
Pages 65 to 72

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

MORARU C.M. 2021, Cresterea productivitații fluxului de prelucrare si pregatire a reperelor din industria petrolieră după etapa de automatizare. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 65-72.

Optimizarea sistemelor de depozitare folosind metoda FIFO

Written by ILIE Daniela-Mariana
Scientific coordinators: Adrian Popescu
Pages 73 to 80

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

ILIE D.M. 2021, Optimizarea sistemelor de depozitare folosind metoda FIFO. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 73-80.

Research regarding smart devices for diabetics

Written by PANAITE Andreea Lăcramioara
Scientific coordinators: Cristina MOHORA,
Pages 81 to 88

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

PANAITE A.L. 2021, Research regarding smart devices for diabetics. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 81-88.

Haptic glove immersive system for upper limb rehabilitation

Written by DARABONT Vlad-Andrei
Scientific coordinators: Robert IACOB
Pages 89 to 93

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

DARABONT V.A. 2021, Haptic glove immersive system for upper limb rehabilitation. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 89-93.

Optimization of the hip prosthesis according to the patient's weight

Written by DRAGU Maria
Scientific coordinators: Constantin DOGARIU
Pages 94 to 102

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

DRAGU M. 2021, Optimization of the hip prosthesis according to the patient's weight. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 94-102.

Research on monitoring people with Alzheimer

Written by COSTACHE Iulia
Scientific coordinators: Cristina MOHORA
Pages 103 to 110

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

COSTACHE I. 2021, Research on monitoring people with Alzheimer. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 103-110.

Study of the characteristics of cardboard packaging for refrigerated and frozen foods

Written by TETELEA Cristina
Scientific coordinators: Miron ZAPCIU
Pages 111 to 118

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

TETELEA C. 2021, Study of the characteristics of cardboard packaging for refrigerated and frozen foods. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 111-118.

The analysis of the organization of production flows to ensure the quality of the offset printing process

Written by RÂBIȚĂ (OVESIA) Otilia
Scientific coordinators: Viorica CAZAC
Pages 119 to 125

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

RABITA (OVESIA) O. 2021, The analysis of the organization of production flows to ensure the quality of the offset printing process. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 119-125.

Comparative analysis of colors and errors specific to securities papers like postal stamps

Written by PĂUNESCU Mihai
Scientific coordinators: Emilia BĂLAN
Pages 126 to 133

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

PAUNESCU M. 2021, Comparative analysis of colors and errors specific to securities papers like postal stamps. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 126-133.

Increasing the productivity of offset print equipment by implementing an in-line print quality control system

Written by TURCEA Adrian-Florin
Scientific coordinators: Miron ZAPCIU
Pages 134 to 141

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

TURCEA A.F. 2021, Increasing the productivity of offset print equipment by implementing an in-line print quality control system. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 134-141.

Optimization of typographical production flows by reducing auxiliary times

Written by MOLDOVEANU (TAȘCĂU) Elena
Scientific coordinators: Cristina MOHORA
Pages 142 to 149

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

MOLDOVEANU (TASCAU) E. 2021, Optimization of typographical production flows by reducing auxiliary times. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 142-149.

Experimental stand for determining some characteristics of printing substrates

Written by KAPUSI Zalán
Scientific coordinators: Emilia BĂLAN
Pages 150 to 155

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

KAPUSI Z. 2021, Experimental stand for determining some characteristics of printing substrates. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 150-155.

Variation of the box compression test according to the dimensions of the carton box and its quality

Written by DUMITRESCU (POPA) Clara – Maria
Scientific coordinators: Viorica CAZAC
Pages 156 to 163

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

DUMITRESCU (POPA) C.M. 2021, Variation of the box compression test according to the dimensions of the carton box and its quality. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 156-163.

Analysis of glass graphics in printing processes

Written by DOROFTEI Marius-Marian
Scientific coordinators: Nicoleta Elisabeta PASCU
Pages 164 to 171

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

DOROFTEI M.M. 2021, Analysis of glass graphics in printing processes. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 164-171.

Tehnologii de control şi recondiţionare a pieselor executate din oţeluri turnate de tipul rotilor

Written by POPESCU George, VLADUCA Dan
Scientific coordinators: Gabriel Gârleanu, Delia Gârleanu
Pages 172 to 177

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

POPESCU G., VLADUCA D. 2021, Tehnologii de control şi recondiţionare a pieselor executate din oţeluri turnate de tipul rotilor. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 172-177.

Determinig the endurance of a surface put to the abrasion test using the finite element method

Written by CRĂCIUN Ștefan, ȚURCANU Mihai Daniel
Scientific coordinators: Gabriel Gârleanu, Delia Gârleanu
Pages 178 to 183

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

CRACIUN S., TURCANU M.D. 2021, Determinig the endurance of a surface put to the abrasion test using the finite element method. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 178-183.

Shape memory materials

Written by MILEA Oana Elena, Claudiu Răzvan VIȘAN
Scientific coordinators: Delia GȂRLEANU, Cornelia LUCHIAN
Pages 184 to 190

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

MILEA O.E., VISAN C.R. 2021, Shape memory materials. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 184-190.

Nanotehnologiile şi lumea miraculoasă a metamaterialelor

Written by AVADANEI Irina Mihaela, BRATU Mihnea Alexandru
Scientific coordinators: Delia GARLEANU, Claudiu BABIŞ
Pages 191 to 193

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

AVADANEI I.M., BRATU M.A. 2021, Nanotehnologiile şi lumea miraculoasă a metamaterialelor. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 191-193.

Accelerarea procesului de curatire a pieselor de autovehicule cu ajutorul ultrasunetelor

Written by TOADER Robert Valentin, SASU Cosmin Gabriel
Scientific coordinators: Delia GȂRLEANU, Cornelia LUCHIAN
Pages 194 to 198

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

TOADER R.V., SASU C.G. 2021, Accelerarea procesului de curatire a pieselor de autovehicule cu ajutorul ultrasunetelor. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 194-198.

Research regarding the welding behavior of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L

Written by MĂRĂȘESCU Cristian
Scientific coordinators: Ionelia Voiculescu
Pages 199 to 206

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

MARASESCU C. 2021, Research regarding the welding behavior of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 199-206.

Ciocănitoarea Mecanica

Written by PETRICEANU Alexandru Daniel, GÎDIUȚĂ Ioana, DIACICOV Călin Marian
Scientific coordinators: Dan NIȚOI, Ștefan Constantin PETRICEANU
Pages 207 to 213

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

PETRICEANU A.D., GIDIUTA I., DIACICOV C.M. 2021, Ciocănitoarea Mecanica. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 207-213.

Ingenuity helicopter - a new space technology

Written by GOLOGAN Ioana-Elisa, IFTODE Ana-Lorena
Scientific coordinators: Marius DUMITRAS
Pages 214 to 219

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

GOLOGAN I.E., IFTODE A.L. 2021, Ingenuity helicopter - a new space technology. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 214-219.

Medical applications of shape memory materials

Written by BANIAS Rebeca, NINU David, MATEI Stefan
Scientific coordinators: Claudia BORDA
Pages 220 to 226

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

BANIAS R., NINU D., MATEI S. 2021, Medical applications of shape memory materials. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 220-226.

The relation between glass and technology

Written by VLAD Ionut Alexandru, VITA Ioan Paul Lucian, ZLATESCU Ioan Alexandru
Scientific coordinators: Claudia BORDA
Pages 227 to 232

[Abstract][Full article][Citation]

VLAD I.A., VITA I.P.L., ZLATESCU I.A. 2021, The relation between glass and technology. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Volume 5, Number 2, ISSN 2601-5471, 227-232.

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